Friday, May 31, 2013

The Adventures Begin...

Now that I have graduated with my Master’s degree from Duke University, I have embarked on my next adventure. I left the United States last week, and I will now be living in Africa for the next year. I’m currently on vacation in Angola/Namibia, and then I will be moving to Gabon for the rest of the next year.

This blog will be used to tell about my adventures through the course of my research in Gabon, along with other countries I visit along the way. Feel free to follow along my travels... and send me an email ( telling me what you have been up to as well!

Now before I go let me explain the meaning behind the name of this blog... in search of the giant otter shrew. When I found out that I was going to be living in Gabon, naturally I looked up all of the mammals that lived within the country that I could come across. There were the large mammals I knew about (and am very excited about!) such as gorillas, chimpanzees, forest elephants, leopards, and hyenas but there were also many more obscure animals. Animals that I couldn’t even find real pictures of online! The one of these that intrigued me the most was the giant otter shrew. What it is, I’m not really sure… but I’ve have now began my quest to find one…