Monday, June 3, 2013

Next Safari... Namibian Style

Traveled over the border now to Namibia.

After a night in the capital city of Windhoek, moved onto the Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch, for my first Namibian safari.

Now a Namibian safari is quite the opposite of an Angolan safari. First off, there is actually wildlife here, and lots of it. And secondly, this safari truck was even more comfortable than my normal car. And the best part, we literally have the entire lodge to ourselves. I knew coming in that Namibia has a very low population, but June (being the winter) is not a popular tourist season either.

Anyways back to the safari. We set off at 3 in the afternoon, nice and sunny out, but not very warm! Its okay though, because they even gave us our own blankets! Well we set out with Pedro our guide, looking to find what wildlife we could find! Over the 2 hours we came across lots and lots of springbok, oryx, kudu, steenbok, red hartebeest, eland, wildebeest, zebra, giraffe, warthog, mongoose, meerkat, and my favorite bat-eared fox! If you want to be entertained for a few minutes, search springbok pronking... highly entertaining!

After this we headed over into the cheetah enclosure to feed the 3 cheetah their daily dinner of springbok, and then finally up to the top of the ridge to have a drink and watch the sunset!

Quite the opposite of an Angolan safari I'd say.

More Namibian adventures plus pictures to come in the next week!

1 comment:

  1. Incredibly interesting. I'm so glad everything is working out so wonderfully.
    I have a friend who works at a nature reserve here in Houston who would love to read your blog, Jenn. I'll make sure to send it to him.
    Have a nice day. Miss you!
