Monday, April 28, 2014

The Island of Lemurs

I know it has been a while, but without a good internet connection, updating my blog was not really possible. But have no fear, my next couple of posts will be an update of the last 9 months.

First I'm going back to August 2013 and my trip to Madagascar.

I headed to Madagascar to attend the Prosimian Congress 2013, and to present my research from Marojejy National Park.

However, afterwards my mom joined me and we traveled around the island of Madagascar to visit many parks and many different lemur species. I took many pictures along the way and here are the best of different animals and different landscapes. 

Taking photos!

Coquerel's Sifaka

I like chameleons too!

And cute little tenrecs!
 Spent a day exploring Andisbe National Park!

Diademed Sifaka


I know this picture is bad, but if you look closely you'll see the baby Indri!!!
 We did spend one day away from the national parks to meet some friendly lemurs. This one became my best friend.

Couldn't go to Madagascar without checking out Parc Ivoloina!

 After Tamatave, we moved onto Tulear and stopped at Zombitse-Vohibasia National Park on our drive to Isalo National Park. On our stop by guide found this woolly lemur sleeping in the tree.

And now to Isalo, probably one of the most fascinating places I've ever visited.

Enjoying the sunshine!

Verreaux's Sifaka

Red-fronted Brown Lemur - too cool to actually look at me, but not too cool to copy one another.

So you might have heard about the locusts in Madagascar this past August. This picture does not really do it justice, but each of those black specks is a locust. We were swarmed by them!

And just to end on a most positive note, who could resist this little guy?!

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