Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Congo-Nile Divide

This blog post is a little overdue, but back on the holiday weekend in Rwanda, July 1-3, I joined some friends and we hiked along the Congo-Nile Divide Trail in Nyungwe National Park. 

This trail covers 42.2 km across the park - and we completed it in 3 days - camping for 2 nights in the forest. This trail takes you across different habitat types within the park - up and down the hills - with some great view points from the top of each hill. In addition, this trail goes by the Source of the Nile. Though not everyone agrees - the source of the nile is located in Nyungwe.

Source of the Nile
Doesn't start as much - but eventually this turns into the longest river in the world!

Here is some of our group walking on one of the few relatively flat parts along the trail. But don't worry we stopped for breaks many times throughout the day for a snack - including my favorite 'amandazi' - Rwandan donuts (aka fried dough).

And now I leave you with a series of photos from the summit of different hills along the hike - you will see the different habitat types and the hundreds of hills in the distance!

This is a view of part of the trail 
You'll notice all the ferns along the trails - this is an area of the park that burned in a fire and the forest has not been able to regenerate.
Look at the hundreds of hills in the distance!

Wandering off into the forest :)

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